Wednesday, 27 January 2010



walk through video of the complete demo:

This is an unreal tournament 2004 total conversion based on the book Famous Five On Treasure Island. This is an action adventure game and so far the demo features two levels. The first level is designed to be a tutorial level which is intended to help players familiarise themselves with the controls and gameplay. In the game the player is able to switch between playing as a dog and playing as human character. Speaking of controls, the game uses an Xbox360/Windows controller and a summary of the controls are: the left thumb stick is used for moving forward and back, the right thumb stick is used for turning and looking around(orientation), Y button is the action button used for opening doors, talking to people and moving objects. The A button is used for jumping, the X button is used for viewing controls and hints whilst playing the game, the B button is used for crouching whilst playing as the human character, RB button is used to switch between the dog and the human player at any point in during the game. The D-pad button Up is used to switch the flash light/Torch on and Off. D-pad Left is used for ordering AI dog(thats if player is playing as human character) to Stop/Follow. D-pad Down is used to order AI dog to jump. The second level is based on the last chapter of the book were the player must follow the bad guys without getting caught and lock the in the treasure room. For more on the development process and design information please read the blog posts labelled as "Unreal Total Conversion: Famous Five Game".

Video of the demo scene demo:

This was a class project. The idea was for us to build a 3D software renderer from scratch in C++. This involved building our own matrix and vector classes, our won camera class aswell as our own custom rasterizer class. The models used are MD2 models thus we also had to use the MD2 loader file. The other part of the project was to comeup with an individual demoscene using our software renderer. The specifications were that it had to be original, creative and entertaining aswell showoff all the features implemented in our renderer. My demo as seen in the video features wireframe drawing, flat shading aswell as gouraud shading. It also features directional lighting, ambient lighting and point lighting. The objects in the demo are tranformed(scaled, rotated and translated) by the music's frequencies. For this I used a sound software API known as FMOD. For more on the development process of this demo please read the blog posts labeled as "3D Software Render".


Enigma, is a prototype game I developed in my first year using Microsoft XNA platform. As seen in the video its a scrolling top down shooter with a twist. The twist being that its a co-op game. The game uses Xbox360/Windows controllers and so far features two levels. In the first level both players are on one aircraft. Player one controls the aircraft interms of movement and orientation using the both the left thumbstick and the right thumbstick, aswell as activates shields using the B button. Player two on the other hand fires the two cannons. The left thumbstick is used to rotate one cannon and the right thumbstick is used to rotate the other cannon. The left and right triggers are used to fire each of the cannons. So this part of the game does need quit a bit of coordination.

The second part of the game is split screen inwhich both players must progress through waves of enemies and mini bosses. If one player dies then its game over. In this mode the controls for both players are identical with the A button being used for firing cannons, the B button being used for activating shields and the Left thumbstick being used for moving the craft. The only difference is in how each of the aircraft look, the type of cannons each one posses and their shield types. This difference was only used to give each player their on distinct personality but otherwise they both deal and recieve equal damage.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if this posted or not so I will post it again. I would like to ask if a download of the Unreal Tournament 2004 modification Famous Five would be possible? Please and Thank You.

    I would very much like to play and enjoy this modification.
