Thursday 24 December 2009


In this post I will pretty much show a few screen shots from the game. At this point in the game I have got most of all the core mechanics working. I now have both of my levels pretty much built(all that is lacking is just detail in the levels i.e. static and mobile NPC's). I can switch between the Dick(the human character) and Timmy(the dog character who happens to also be my AI partner aswell).

When playing as Timmy you are able to use his special ability which enables you to see waypoints/markers which show you were your suppose to go incase your stuck or lost, ofcourse I have this working aswell. The other thing that I managed to get working is the compass. This works more like a radar as oppossed to a real compass but in a famous five game it would not have made much sense to call it radar so calling it a compass made perfect sense. What it does is it identifies the location of items, some objectives and special NPC's that you neeed to interact with in the game. The thing is though it has limited range. At first I wanted it to show everything on the map without range limit but I then realised that this would make the game abit easy. The range limit was introduced to force the player to still look for items etc, as these would only appear on the compass if the player was within a certain range of the items or objective or NPC. Here are some of the screen shots which illustrate everything I have just talked about:

This is the first level of the game. Compass on the right with an Icon of a nearby NPC.

A shot of the beach.

Player AI partner Timmy the dog(also a playerble character).

Playing as Timmy the dog in "Dog view mode"

These screen shots are all from the first level which is the beach. I will have screen shots of my other level in the upcoming posts. These are just some of the core features in the game. In the upcoming post I will talk about the problems and difficulties I faced when implementing these features.

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